Location and Map of Yumbe - Aringa Ti

Aringa is located in the North Western Uganda boardering South Sudan.


The map to the right is the map of Yumbe district where Aringa Ti is predominantly spoken. Aringa Ti is also spoken in the diaspora. Many Aringa speakers live all over Uganda, in Sudan and also in Congo.

The district is bordered in the north by Southern Sudan, in the west by Koboko district, in the south by Maracha-Terego district, in the south-east by Adjumani and in the east by Moyo district.

This is a map of Yumbe district where Aringa Ti is predominantly spoken. Ãrị̃ngã Tị is also spoken in the diaspora. Many Aringa speakers live all over Uganda, in Sudan and also in Congo.

The district is bordered in the north by Southern Sudan, in the west by Koboko district, in the south by Maracha-Terego district, in the south-east by Adjumani and in the east by Moyo district.

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